Build. Grow. Sustain.
Many states and communities across the country support the mission of the Department of Defense (DoD). Some are home to military bases, while others manufacture the products and provide the services necessary for national defense. When a defense program change occurs, it can have a major impact on local and regional communities.
The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) leverages capabilities of state and local partners through grants and technical assistance to help them respond to changes driven by the Department of Defense. They also ensure that defense manufacturing and supply chains are agile and responsive to defense needs along with ensuring that communities can support their local military installations through sustainable economic development and other civilian activities that are compatible to the mission.
Grant assistance within the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation is designed to specifically address the challenges of communities that support the defense mission. By leveraging the full capabilities of the Federal government, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation helps towns, cities, and states plan and carry out a future that is both sustainable and in alignment with the military mission.
The OLDCC currently funds four main categories: Military Installation Sustainability, Downsizing Community Investment and Industry Resilience. UDMC received it’s grant from the Community Investment funding category under the subcategory of Defense Manufacturing Community Support Program which is designed to support long-term community investments that strengthen national security innovation and expand the capabilities of the defense industrial ecosystem.
To accomplish the program requirements, the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity was awarded a $5,000,000 grant to undertake a $11,005,000 project to enhance the capabilities of the regional defense industrial ecosystem, with a focus on carbon composites and advanced materials. The project includes several initiatives to strengthen workforce development across the Utah Defense Manufacturing Community, including developing defense manufacturing apprenticeship programs and retraining workers displaced as a result of COVID-19.
The UDMC has a focus on introducing Women and Girls to manufacturing, leveraging the STEM Action Center’s outreach programs to include manufacturing, and creating courses to introduce students in Kindergarten to 8th grade to manufacturing.
The Utah Defense Manufacturing Community integrate and expand Utah’s successful programs and provide new offerings to prepare for the future of defense manufacturing. The UDMC includes more than 70 consortium members from industry, academia, government, nonprofits, and community organizations, plus national organizations including America Makes, American Manufacturing Community Coalition (AMCC), Idaho National Labs, Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), American Composites Manufacturing Association (ACMA), and Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE).
mission & GOALS
The UDMC programs will fall under four different focus areas to support the Utah defense manufacturing community:
Workforce Development
The number one issue for Utah’s defense manufacturing industry is access to a skilled workforce. The UMDC aims to expand current successful programs including work-and-learn, pathways, and retooling/retraining. New programs will be developed to help introduce Women and Girls to manufacturing, including the America Makes Girl Scout program. Also, a new curriculum for Kindergarten to 8th grade introduces manufacturing for 6,000 home-schooled students in Utah.
Outcome: Several new advanced manufacturing workforce development programs/curriculums created or enhanced.
Supply Chain
The goal is to improve the agility of the defense manufacturing supply chain by adding functionality to the CONNEX-Utah supply chain internet tool. This functionality will include workforce, research, and additive manufacturing. Additionally, UDMC will develop a plan for reshoring manufacturing to Utah and is engaged in supply chain development for the USAF Agility Prime program for advanced air mobility, also known as ORBS.
Outcome: Substantial Utah defense manufacturing industry growth, measured by NAICS codes.
UDMC programs will increase collaboration among Utah research institutions and the defense community to better match research to the defense manufacturing requirements. Two new research projects will be developed: 1) composites research to support AFRL, and 2) use of coal to develop carbon fiber as a lower-cost material for DoD aircraft.
Outcome: Collaborate in research geared towards advanced manufacturing and advanced materials.
Small Business
UMDC will leverage federal programs from the Small Business Administration (SBA) and state programs for veteran and small businesses to support defense manufacturing.
Outcome: Strong small businesses to support Utah’s defense manufacturing industry.