Utah defense
Sustain. Innovate. Grow.

What is UDMC?
The Utah Defense Manufacturing Community is a federally funded OLDCC program to help states and local partners respond to changes driven by the DoD and ensure that defense manufacturing and supply chains are agile and responsive to defense needs
In 2020, after a competitive application process, Utah was selected as one of six grant recipients across the nation. The Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity was awarded funds to sustain, grow and enhance the capabilities of the regional defense industrial ecosystem, with a focus on carbon composites and advanced materials. Specifically, UDMC focuses on programs in the four areas of: workforce, small business, supply chain and research. Read more….
- In total, UMDC programs have reached 8,200 students, worked with 156 schools, 170 apprenticeships/training, filled almost 500 jobs. assisted roughly 200 companies, offered 157 courses/workshops/seminars, assisted in submitting in at least 19 STTRs and 63 new research projects that support defense manufacturing.
- Worked with the State Legislature to fund new graduate program in advanced materials.
Based on research under UMDC related to Reshoring manufacturing, Utah Governor Cox adopted a program, “Reshore Utah” and the State legislature passed S.B. 212 Manufacturing Modernization Grant Program, which includes $10million for grants to companies reshoring manufacturing to the United States. - Stimulated discussion on the challenges of qualifying and certifying advanced materials for USAF and commercial aircraft. Released a white paper on the need for modernization of the processes to qualify advanced materials for USAF and commercial aircraft, highlighting the challenges and proposing solutions.
- Held a conference on Aerospace and Defense opportunities for small businesses, which attracted more than 200 attendees to hear presentations by the Nuclear Weapons Systems Center, Northrop Grumman, Space Dynamics Lab, AFWERX, Catalyst Campus, and a roundtable on winning USAF STTRs/SBIRs.
- Expanded the UMDC Coalition from 70 participants to almost 100.
- Provided small business support services to more than 100 small businesses within our manufacturing community.
- Utah is most proud of the collaboration that has resulted from the creation of the UMDC Consortium, and the innovations stimulated by open discussions and exchanges amongst members.
- Overall, the UDMC has been successful in elevating the DoD defense manufacturing in Utah.